May 2015 - August 2016
University of Louisville
Atmospheric Physics Research Group
Supervisor: Dr. Jian Du-Caines
Brief description:
Independent research project that was part of a cohesive group of undergraduates, graduates, and post-docs. Presented weekly presentations and progress reports.
My project in particular focused on analyzing the energy and momentum budget of diurnal and semi-diurnal tides in the extended 30-year Canadian Middle Atmosphere Model (eCMAM30). During this project, I learned how to program using MATLAB and explore literature in a field other that astronomy.
May 2017 - August 2017
University of Wisconsin-Madison
NSF 2017 REU Program
Supervisors: Sebastian Heinz, and Lia Corrales
"Looking for Galactic X-ray Transient Light Echoes"
Abstract: Galactic X-ray transient sources such as neutron stars or black holes sometimes undergo an outburst in X-rays. Ring structures have been observed around three such sources, produced by the X-ray photons being scattered by interstellar dust grains along our line of sight. These dust-scattering light echoes have proven to be a useful tool for measuring and constraining Galactic distances, mapping the dust structure of the Milky Way, and determining the dust composition in the clouds producing the echo. Detectable light echoes require a sufficient quantity of dust along our line of sight, as well as bright, short-lived Galactic X-ray flares. Using data from the Monitor of All-Sky X-ray Image (MAXI) on the International Space Station, we ran a peak finding algorithm in Python to look for characteristic flare events. Each flare was characterized by its fluence, the integrated flux of the flare over time. We measured the distribution of flare fluences to show how many observably bright flares were recorded by MAXI. This work provides a parent set for dust echo searches in archival X-ray data and will inform observing strategies with current and future X-ray missions such as Athena and Lynx.
My REU Research Website: click here
Hello and Welcome!
I'm Brianna (Bri) Mills
Email: brianna (dot) mills (-at-) louisville (dot) edu
I'm currently an undergraduate at the University of Louisville in Louisville, Kentucky. I plan to graduate in May 2018 with a Bachelor of Science in Physics with a track in Astronomy/Astrophysics, and a minor in Philosophy.
My raison d'être is to work as hard as I can to further Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics education for myself and the women, men, and minority groups who, like me, may face challenges in those fields. I want to continue my passion for outreach in my graduate career. I have recently started a Society of Women in Physics and Astronomy group at my university to address the importance of women's work and accomplishments in science. We educate all of our members about the Harvard Computers, NASA Langley West Computers, Marie Curie, and more.
I plan to be immersed in cutting-edge research in either high energy astrophysics or planetary science during my graduate career, and I'm prepared to pursue a PhD in these fields. I would like to continue researching after my PhD as a post-doc. I'm also curious to explore science policy opportunities.
A few things I do in my spare time: I enjoy listening to National Public Radio, watching science/space documentaries, Star Trek: The Original Series, biking, hiking, and teaching my twelve-year-old little sister about the stars and our solar system -- she was the only student in her science class who had memorized all eight planets + Pluto (and the only student who's big sister coerced her into memorizing them all).
Sunrise Solstice over Stonehenge
Image Credit & Copyright: Max Alexander, STFC, SPL
NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 20 June 2016

FALL 2015
Math 301: Calculus III
4 credits. Differential and integral calculus of functions of several variables, vector analysis, solid analytic geometry, introduction to topics in differential equations.
Phys 350: Differential Equations
4 credits. Topics include methods of solution of differential equations, and simple modeling of phenomena using differential equations.
Phys 300: Modern Physics
3 credits. Introduction to special relativity and quantum theory, with applications to atomic, nuclear, and solid state physics.
Phys 351: Atomic and Nuclear Lab
2 credits. Experimental procedures in atomic and nuclear physics.
Phys 460: Mechanics I
3 credits. Kinematics, particle dynamics, oscillatory motion, central forces, rigid body motion, variation methods.
FALL 2016
Phys 301: Modern Physics Lab
1 credit. Experiments in modern physics.
Phys 307: Introductory Stellar Astrophysics
3 credits. A calculus-based introduction to the physics of the solar system, and stars, covering celestial mechanics, tides, the nature of light, star and planet formation and evolution.
Phys 308: Observational Astronomy Lab
1 credit. Optical astronomy including observing at Moore Observatory, solar observing, instrumentation control with computers, and astronomical data acquisition and interpretation.
Phys 355: Optics
3 credits. Introduction to wave theory of light and relation between light waves and rays; theory of thick lenses and lens aberrations; interference and diffraction of coherent light.
Phys 430: Practicum in Physics Education
1 credit. A guided learning experience in inquiry-based instructional techniques and best practices in STEM education that includes field experience as an undergraduate teaching assistant.
Phys 430: Practicum in Physics Education
1 credit. A guided learning experience in inquiry-based instructional techniques and best practices in STEM education that includes field experience as an undergraduate teaching assistant.
Phys 530: Thermal Physics
3 credits. The laws of thermodynamics, thermodynamic reasoning, and elements of statistical mechanics.
Phys 590: Astrophysics
3 credits. Physics applied to the interstellar medium; the atmospheres, structure, and evolution of stars; galaxies.
Fall 2017
Phys 497: Observational Astronomy Thesis Writing
3 credits. Course for independently writing an undergraduate departmental thesis.
Phys 541: Electromagnetic Fields
3 credits. Electrostatic and magnetostatic fields in free space and in material media, solutions of Poisson's equation, time dependent fields, Maxwell's equations.
Phys 555: Elementary Quantum Mechanics
3 credits. General concepts of quantum mechanics. Schrodinger equation and solutions in one, two and three-dimensions, hydrogen atom, and orbital angular momentum.
Microsoft Excel, Office, PowerPoint
Present my summer REU research at the 231st AAS meeting, the Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CUWiP), and Posters at the Capitol in Frankfort, KY.
Finish Departmental Bachelor Thesis
Graduate with a B.S. in May 2018, and attend graduate school.
Pursue a PhD in Astrophysics or Planetary Science.
Continue being involved in outreach and volunteer activities
Apply for post-doc positions, or go into science policy.
University of Louisville Undergraduate Teaching Assistant in Physics and Astronomy (June 2016 - Current)
Drop-in tutor service for all astronomy and ​physics questions
Private Algebra Tutor (Jan 2016 - May 2016)
One-on-one tutoring with an 8th grader, working through problems and tests​
University of Louisville Undergraduate Research Assistant (May 2015 - July 2016)
Atmospheric physics, computational analysis of eCMAM data​​
Iroquois Pizza (September 2016 - Current)
Restaurant crew member; host and serve customers, cleaning, stocking.​
Gordon Food Service (July 2016 - September 2016)
Store crew Member; control of cooler/refrigerated area, stocking, cleaning, slicing meats/cheeses​
Thai Siam (August 2013 - August 2014)
Waitress; hosted and served customers, cleaning. Business closed down.​​
Babysitting (August 2012 - August 2013)
Usually 2-4 kids, twice a month.​ Played games, went on walks, made cookies and treats, and let the parents have a break.
Dairy Queen (December 2011 - June 2012)
Crew member/cashier; served customers, handled food, cleaned.
Teaching/Student-Work Experience
Non-Academic Work Experience
Developing Perseverance:
Had 3 major knee surgeries (2010, 2011, 2015) beginning when I was 14 years old. Through physical therapy and recovery, I have shown myself that I can make progress if I keep pushing forward. I feel I am more disciplined after successfully juggling my health, my coursework, and my extracurricular activities.
In addition to being a full-time student, I work a part-time job on the side. This has shown me how to manage my time effectively and has also taught me to have appreciation for other people who have to work full-time and go to school.
American Astronomical Society, Junior Member (October 2017 -- Present)
Louisville Astronomical Society, Junior Member (October 2017 -- Present)
Society of Women in Physics and Astronomy (SWiPA), Outreach/Webmaster (August 2017 – Present)
Gheens Science Hall and Rauch Planetarium Advisory Board, Member (August 2017 -- Present)
Society of Women in Physics and Astronomy (SWiPA), Vice-President (August 2016 – April 2017)
Society of Physics Students, Vice-President (August 2015 – April 2017)
Publications and Awards
Bachelor Thesis continuing REU research in progress, will serve as a basis for future publication (2018)
William Marshall Bullitt Scholarship in Astronomy (2017)
William Marshall Best Paper in Astronomy (2017)
Academic Commonwealth Scholarship (2014 -2018)
Grey's College Bookstore Book Scholarship (2014)
Kentucky Educational Excellence Scholarship (KEES) (2014 -2018)
Trustees First Year Academic Scholarship (2014-2015)
Honorable Mention on the This I Believe website: a collective essay organization (2013)
AAS Undergraduate Chambliss Medal Winner (2018)

Current Memberships​